Wednesday, August 22, 2012

{And....Life is movin'}

could it really be possible that it's been 9 months since our sweet baby girl arrived? i feel as though i blinked and here we are! she smiles and laughs all day long, she really is a sweet blessing and addition to our family. i really thought that adding a third little life would be a big adjustment, however, it's been much smoother and less chaotic than i thought. don't get me wrong there are many challenges thru out my day but they tend to be focused more on the discipline and instruction of the older two! i'm learning the importance of prayer and the value of my time spent with the Lord! 

i don't even know where to begin! life has just been moving (hence the title)! i'll just give you some pictures  of rielyn below and let you see for yourself how she's grown. we absolutly delight in her and thank the Lord for her happy spirit! peyton and ethan enjoy her as well especially now that she interacts with them. peyton still loves being mommy and holding and snuggling her (sometimes a little too much ;) and i think ethan is just waiting for the day that rielyn can chase him because he just runs circles around her! she's just about crawling...she gets up on all fours and rocks! she loves to eat food and drink from her sippy cup and she absolutly loves to bounce, jump and laugh! she's starting to recognize when mommy leaves and gets rather sad but i'm trying to embrace every moment because i know, from the other two, that one day she will not be sad to see me go! i think that is one thing, lately, that i have been reminded of! these days pass so quickly and i'm really trying to enjoy every little moment and make sure that those moments are purposeful with my kids. if my deepest desire for my kids is to love Christ than what in my day is pointing them to Him! am i being purposeful...they are growing so quickly and one day all of these little moments with them will be in the past! 

speaking of time passing quickly, peyton started kindergarten just yesterday!!! crazy, i feel like i just had her and now she's off to school. she absolutly loves it and i know this will be a great year for her! we miss her at home but a little seperation is good. i'll post pics of her first day soon...they're already on facebook!

enjoy the picture recap of rielyn. i will be updating the blog soon with ethan and peyton's birthdays as well ! i'm going to try and be a little more consistent in updating our family blog! ;) If you're on facebook then these pictures will be familiar because I tend to update on there quite well! ;)

Baby girl and mommy

This is pretty much what she does all day.

8 months old

1st 4th of July

Love the really girlie outfit!!

9 months old

My sweet girls

playing outside!