Thursday, November 11, 2010

{Never a dull moment}

"But as for me I shall sing of your strength; Yes, I shall joyfully sing of Your lovingkindness in the morning, For You have been my stronghold and a refuge in the day of my distress. O my strength, I will sing praises to You; For God is my stronghold, the God who shows me lovingkindness." Psalm 59:16-17

i feel as though in the last few days the Lord has gently reminded me that my children are gift from Him, that they are ultimatly His and they are given to me as a stewardship to train and teach them in His ways.  the commitment that we made before Him, to dedicate our children to Him, was not merely words but an acknowledgment that our children are His possession and that His will and plan for there lives is perfect and meant to bring Him all the glory. 

how did He gently remind me? (and I use the term gently because I know that circumstances could be far worse but the Lord chooses to pour out His grace instead!)  well, this week He used my sweet little boy to remind me! i posted earlier this week about our  humerous ER of our firsts....later in the week, last evening actually, He gently reminded me again that my little boy is fearfully and wonderfully made and that he knows the numbers of hairs on his head...and cares for him....

Ethan, being a typical boy, was running around the house (as if he had not been sick earlier in the week...he actually had no fever and was back to normal) he ran into the kitchen and slipped. he landed on his bottom first and than hit his head on the tile floor. not any harder than he would normally hit his head...he began screaming, mostly because it startled him! my mom ran in to pick him up and calm him down. he was doing one of those cries where they can't catch their breath. i went over to him to comfort him and before I could, I watched as his little eyes began to roll back and his body began to tighten up!! He started to have a seizure! My mom quickly layed him on the floor on his side and I ( with my heart sinking) quickly dialed 911. Before I even gave the operator any information he had come out of the seizure and was crying and wimpering....I never in all my life felt relief and joy in hearing my little boy cry like I did at that moment.  The paramedics arrived, checked him out and all looked good. They said that he had a rapid spike in temperature which causes the body to have a febrile (don't know if that's spelled right) seizure which is the bodies natural response to a temperature jumping so fast! They said we could keep him home and just to monitor him for signs of anything that was out of the ordinary and if so to bring him in. He was happy and himself the rest of the night. I of course was on pins and needles all night doing everything to keep my baby from crying just in case it would happen again! And of course when I layed down for the night I praised the Lord for protecting my sweet little boy and asked for peace so that I wouldn't worry all night long....and as always our faithful Father answered my prayers and in the morning I realized I had slept more soundly that night than I had in the last few!  And again I say:

"But as for me, I shall sing of Your strength; Yes, I shall joyfully sing of Your lovingkindness in the MORNING, for You have been my stronghold and a refuge in the day of my distress. O my strength, I will sing praises to You; for God is my stronghold, the God who shows me lovingkindness.  Psalm 59:16-17


The Patterson's said...

Oh honey! I teared up reading this. The strength you have is amazing. I'm praying for you and your family.

Anonymous said...

Hi my friend! Your blog is so encouraging to me- thank you! We had that happen a couple of years ago too. Samantha was standing on the couch-not supposed to- and fell and hit her head. She did the same thing, she started crying so hard that she passed out and we called 911. the paramedics came and by that time she was fine, of course. It's scary though. But it does make you so thankful, knowing it could have been much worse. These kiddos do keep us on our toes. :) Love you! Hope everything's going well with the moving! Praise the Lord Ethan's alright- crazy boy! This is Becky, by the way. I always forget my password and hav to do the anonymous thing. ;)

Dave and Nan said...

Hi Kristine!

That's so scary. I'm so glad he's okay. I can't wait to have you back home! Have fun packing and getting ready to move back. :)
